University of North Carolina School of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology

EPID600, Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health

Making comments about EPID600

We welcome your comments by webform, email, evaluation form, and other channels.

Peer evaluations (not anonymous)

Twice during the semester students submit evaluations of the other participants in their small group discussions. The webform submissions are sent, with your name, to your teaching assistant and to Vic. Comments and average ratings are distributed to the students you rate, without your name.)

TA evaluations (anonymous)

After the first month of the semester, and sometimes again at the end of the semester, students evaluate their teaching assistants through a webform that includes a field for general comments. Information from these forms is provided to the instructors and teaching assistants after a large number have been received. Your responses are anonymous except for your IP address, unless you choose to identify yourself in the comment. We pledge not to identify anyone from your IP address except in exceptional circumstances and only after obtaining permission from the Epidemiology Student Services Manager.

Course evaluations (anonymous)

Both EPID600 classroom and Internet courses use the UNC online course evaluation system. Comments you include on those forms, along with your other responses, are sent only with identification that you provide in the comment. These comments are provided to the course instructors after the course ends.

A (non-anonymous) comment can also be sent, at any time, by using the "Make a request" form or by sending email to Vic or Lorraine. As you may have seen, the instructors post many comments we receive online for the interest of current, past, and prospective students. PLEASE be sure to let us know if you do not want your comment shared publicly.


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EPID600 home page
What is epidemiology?
Should I take EPID600 or a different introductory course?
Course objectives
Course content
Class times
Other resources
Information for prospective teaching assistants
[EPID160/EPID600 history]

Updated 8/20/2007vs, 1/6/2008vs, 8/20/2011vs