University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Gillings School of Global Public Health
Department of Epidemiology

EPID600, Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health

Instructors: Victor J. Schoenbach, Lorraine K. Alexander

Biology and behavior - assorted notes

P.H. Rudebeck et al. A role for the macaque anterior cingulated gyrus in social valuation. Science 1 Sept 2006;313:1310- "results suggest that damage to the anterior cingulate gyrus may be the cause of changes in social interaction seen after frontal lobe damage." (abstract) (posted 5/14/2011)

Alicia P. Melis et al. Chimpanzees recruit the best collaborators. Science 3 Mar 2006;311:1297-; "recognizing when collaboration is necessary and determining who is the best collaborative partner are skills shared by both chimpanzees and humans, so such skills may have been present in their common ancestor before humans evolved their own complex forms of collaboration." (abstract) (posted 5/14/2011)

Joan B. Silk. Who are more helpful, humans or chimpanzees? Science 3 Mar 2006;311:1248- "Humans, including infants, are more willing than closely-related chimpanzees to cooperate and behave altruistically and cooperatively, probably in part accounting for their evolutionary success." (summary) (posted 5/14/2011)

Some notes on neuroeconomics


For more information

Victor J. Schoenbach,


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Updated 5/14/2011