2000 Summer Public Health Research Videoconference
on Minority Health

Attending the Videoconference at the UNC School of Public Health

Register to attend the Videoconference at the UNC School of Public Health

Transportation and parking information

The Videoconference will be shown in the School of Public Health Auditorium (room 133, Rosenau Hall) at the UNC School of Public Health in Chapel Hill via closed-circuit video from the studio in the Mayes Telecommunications Center. A limited number of seats in the Mayes Center (room 231, Rosenau) will also be available for participants. The Videoconference is open to the public. Registration is required but free.

Participants in the studio will be able to ask questions in person, especially before questions begin arriving from satellite downlink sites. Participants in the Auditorium will be able to ask questions/make comments by telephone, fax, and e-mail (bring your cell phone!).

Since the studio audience is limited by the size of the Mayes Center to about 22 participants and since it will be on camera, the studio audience will be selected from among registered participants in order to achieve a diversity of backgrounds, professions, experience, etc. Also, studio participants are requested to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the program, stay for the entire session, and not bring food or drink into the facility. Since the Auditorium is larger and more accessible, participants can enter and exit more freely.

The Friday session will take place at 8:45 am in the morning, giving on-site participants greater opportunity to ask questions and make comments. (The Friday presentations will be played back in the afternoon for satellite downlink sites, with Dr. Fullilove available to respond to questions and comments. Participants at the School of Public Health may attend in the morning or afternoon.)

Register to attend the Videoconference at the UNC School of Public Health

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Other links:

Transit, parking, directions
Videoconference announcement
Overview of the Videoconference
Objectives, location, intended audience, policies
Videoconference agenda and speakers
Videoconference staff
Publicize Videoconference attendance at the UNC SPH (3.1MB Word document)

Return to the Minority Health Home Page 

5/30/2000, 5/31/2000, 6/1/2000 Minority_Health@unc.edu