
There are 3 ways to view the webcast:

  1. Host a partner conference – A partner conference arranges for a group viewing of the keynote lecture webcast AND organizes additional activities to discuss topics related to minority health or this year’s theme on the role of public health in social justice. Example activities may include a panel discussion, presentation of student research, guest speakers from the community, or a journal discussion. Your partner activities help us share the accomplishments of projects in your local communities and continue the discussion around important health issues. For a partner conference fee of $100, you will receive the webcast link, webcast tips and best practices, editable conference promotional materials, and fundraising tips and tricks. You will also receive recognition as a partner conference in the conference program book, website, and webcast. Register for a Partner Conference.
  2. Host a group viewing – A group viewing arranges for a viewing of the keynote lecture webcast at locations such as the workplace, community, or school. Please register here.
  3. Watch as an individual. Please register here.

For the first time ever, watch the webcast on UNC’s campus at a group-viewing! 2:00 pm in the Hitchcock Multipurpose Room of the Sonja Haynes Stone Center.
Sign up here.

MHC Webcast 2:00 pm, February 24, 2017 Sonja Haynes Stone Center Hitchcock Multipurpose Room

MHC Webcast, 2:00 pm, February 24, 2017, Sonja Haynes Stone Center, Hitchcock Multipurpose Room

If you have questions about the Keynote Webcast, please email the committee co-chairs at mhc.broadcast@gmail.com.

Click here for Webcast Tips and Best Practices to prepare for viewing the webcast and participating in the live Q&A Updated for 2017!


